Presentation Theory


Articles, presentations and video posts about presentation theory, designed to help you deliver more effective, memorable sales presentations | from our blog

The majority of sales presentations are crushingly boring and beyond useless. The industry standard for business presenting has simply been inadequate for too long. Irrelevant content, unprepared bumbling presenters, bullet-point lists, unimaginative corporate graphics… The list goes on. The good news, however, is that because business presenting is typically so poor, it’s relatively easy to stand out from the crowd, engage your audience and be memorable. 

This collection of articles, presentations and video posts about presentation theory is designed to help you be a better business presenter, capable of delivering effective and memorable sales presentations...

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Our free advice library offers useful presentation tips in a variety of key areas with a range of unique documents available to download. PowerPoint Presentation Ideasthe Expert Guide, encourages an approach to business presenting that the majority of sales presentations sadly ignore. It illustrates how, by creating a succinct set of key sales messages, it is possible to deliver a presentation that the audience cannot only digest but crucially remember. If you follow the basic principles of presentation theory, it becomes much easier to accommodate better presentation design within PowerPoint. And, by focusing on the critical issues that need to be communicated, you are able to better persuade people to your point of view.


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How to create more engaging presentations by organisng your material using the ‘sections’ feature within PowerPoint.

Creating interactive PowerPoint presentations starts well before you boot-up PowerPoint and start bashing out ideas. In this first part of a multi-part post, Chris Davidson suggests some points to address up front, if you want to create a successful, interactive presentation.

Six unique business presentation ideas that will help you steer clear of sleep-inducing bullet point slides and instead offer your audience something that is unique, engaging and memorable…

Presentation handouts when created properly, can be an effective marketing tool that can aid the generation of business.

Using relevant video in PowerPoint presentations can help your message be remembered by your audience as well as help deliver an engaging presentation. 

You want your presentation to be remembered by your audience and you want them to take action. Here are some tips on how to structure your presentation so that it is memorable and results in action. 

We commonly believe PowerPoint was launched by Microsoft almost 30 years ago - right? Wrong. It was invented by a Scot called James Pillans more than 200 years ago...

The phrase "death by PowerPoint" is heard so frequently that many people believe PowerPoint to be an instrument of the devil. PowerPoint - an innocent tool brought to life by its user - is blamed for the large numbers of poor presentations delivered every day. In this post, our objective is to dispel the common myths surrounding "death by PowerPoint".

PowerPoint offers much more interactivity than many people realise. This post will show you how to easily create interactive PowerPoint presentations that can be presented in accordance with your audience's needs...

This principle says that redundant information interferes with learning and material being retained in long term memory. Giving people more information, does not necessarily increase their ability to remember the key learning points.

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