Website Value Scan


Concerned Your Website’s Running on Tickover?

Get end-to-end visitor journey details, the likes of which your competitors can’t even imagine

Are you ready to understand why your website isn’t getting the results you’d hoped for?

Perhaps you feel frustrated by lack of traffic or conversions? Or maybe you know people visit your site, but don’t remain on it long - and you’re not sure why.

Website Value Scan helps you dig deeper, to unearth facts, as opposed to opinions.

We’ll help you discover how your site visitors behave as they move from page to page. We’ll suggest actions you can take to make your site more attractive to your ideal client. 

Only the Website Value Scan can show you a detailed level of a website journey.

Make sure you have the right data to lead your business 

You may think “Oh, my web person looks after all this for me.” If you do, then you’re selling yourself short. You are in charge of your business and there are some responsibilities that are yours alone. After all, you wouldn’t let the architect decide how many bedrooms were in your new home; so why hand over responsibility for vital business metrics to someone not associated with your business?

The scan gives you the data you need to know in order to hire the right people to help you improve your sales. It puts you in the driver’s seat - you don’t have to understand everything that needs to be done, but now you will understand what is happening, and what ought to happen. The Website Value Scan gives you information based on fact and observation. It makes you more knowledgeable, so you can create a clear path for next actions. It informs you and puts you in the driver’s seat. You will never again feel unsure when meeting with your technical team!

Easy to implement and easy to understand 

A few lines of computer code, loaded on your site and left for a few weeks, analyses each visitor’s path - starting from the moment they arrive at the front door, all the way through your site, until they leave via the back door. You get to see from where your site visitors come, the pages they visit, and at what point they leave. 

Best of you - you get to see this in a straightforward diagram that’s easy for business owners and marketers to understand. You don’t need the complexity of interconnected spreadsheets and more detail than NASA needed for the moon shot. 

Now you see clearly what’s going on, you can start making meaningful decisions, backed-up by reality and not guesswork. 

Doesn’t Google Analytics do this? 

When it comes to ‘visitor journeys’, Google Analytics doesn’t doesn’t hold a candle to Website Value Scan. Don’t get left in the dark: with Website Value Scan you can shine a light on the journey between pages, as well as what happens on pages. The more light you shine, the more opportunities you’ll discover.