International English Style Guide


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As a professional business person, it is likely that you produce a large number of written communications every day. The e-mails, letters, invoices and proposals that you send will nearly all reach an external audience. And, if you wish to operate internationally, there is a de facto requirement that your written communications and business presentations are produced and presented in English.

If English is a secondary language for you, there are a number of key considerations beyond a direct translation. Translations do not always work. Is the language appropriate? Does it make sense and convey the right message to your audience? Have steps been taken to avoid informal language and slang? The last thing you want to do is offend your audience.

There are many varieties of English used around the world, often by people whose first language is not English. There are different ways of spelling or writing the same information. The ‘International English Style Guide’ is part of our free advice library. Inside, we suggest a house style for business presenters who are non-native English speakers. Other styles are not necessarily wrong; whichever and whatever you adopt, your objective should be to achieve consistency for your audience/readers.

To benefit from this advanced business English guide, you will be a competent English speaker, slightly lacking in confidence when it comes to public speaking and performing your business presentations in English, on a professional platform.

If you fit this description, this free advice will help you:

  • Project a consistent, professional image

  • Demonstrate authority and reliability

  • Improve your marketing material

  • Deliver more relevant, persuasive presentations